Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pretty Pictures

 It looks like sparkles are exploding from the sun:)

Aren't these picture so beautiful?!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Taking pics with my bff!

My friend Haley's dog Daisy. It's kind of fuzzy but 
this dog is super sweet!
 PICTURE ABOVE. This is a picture of a barn next to my house. I like it because
of the lighting and the rainbow in the corner.
 This is a picture of Haley. I like this one because of the yellow behind it and the
blue sky! Also because this girl is like a sister to me!
                                                   I'm in love with this one^. You can tell why.
these are some pics my friend Haley and i took. ^ this picture is Funny. I mean that thing is surrounded by weeds!

WHAT i got for Christmas!

       I got a camera for Christmas. It's a Nikon Coolpix S3100. It is super small and it takes really
really good pictures. This is me and my little sis on Christmas with all of our makeup on! And yes we
 In the picture above. This a picture of a weed but I think it is a cool picture because of the jet stream
behind it. And the sun shinning in from the corners.
I don't know why i took this picture. I just thought it looked
pretty with all the yellow behind it.
took a picture.